UPennAlert Archive for Robbery at 4100 block of Spruce Street
December 2, 2024 2:53 pm
Robbery | 4100 block of Spruce Street
UPDATE: All clear in the area of 4100 block of Spruce Street. You may resume usual activity. Police and security are patrolling the area.
UPennAlert: Robbery in the 4100 block of Spruce Street. Increased police activity in the area. Police on scene, use caution, avoid the immediate area.
The suspects are described as 3 juvenile males, all wearing blue surgical masks:
Suspect #1 – Riding a scooter, wearing a black jacket and gray pants
Suspect #2 – Wearing black hooded sweatshirt with a green emblem, black pants, wearing a green tee shirt and backpack
Suspect #3 – Wearing all dark clothing
The suspects were last seen heading eastbound on Spruce Street towards 40th Street
The Division of Public Safety has developed a few helpful risk reduction strategies outlined below. Know that it is never the fault of the person impacted (victim/survivor) by crime.
- Stay out of immediate area.
- Stay alert and reduce distractions; using cellphones, ear buds, etc. may limit your awareness.
- Orient yourself to your surroundings. (Identify your location, nearby exits, etc.)
- Utilize 24/7/365 Walking Escort services (215-898-WALK/9255).
- Only carry necessary documents.
- Keep your valuables out of sight.
- Be respectful of those involved in the incident.
- If you believe you see the described suspect, do not engage – call 215-573-3333.