More information will be posted here when it becomes available.

Contactless PennCard Project- Coming Soon to a Building Near You!

PennCard and ReaderThe University is improving security and making building access easy with a campus-wide initiative to upgrade the magnetic stripe PennCard to a Contactless PennCard and the installation of new card reader for building entry.

The Contactless technology will move the University from the magnetic stripe, which is currently used on the PennCard, to an embedded chip. This contactless chip technology offers a number of benefits for members of our Penn Community, including convenient building entry by way of a contactless reader, a higher level of security for data stored on the card, as well as positioning the PennCard for use in several future key business transactions, such as eventual use on SEPTA, and other campus transactions.

The card reader replacements will take place in calendar year 2015. Watch for opportunities to obtain a Contactless PennCard throughout fiscal year 2016. More information on this transition will be coming soon. You may reach the Contactless team with questions at the link below, or contact your building administrator with any questions.

This initiative is a collaborative effort between the Divisions of Public Safety (DPS), Business Services (BSD), and Information Systems and Computing (ISC).

Here is a short video showing the proper use of your new PennCard:


PennCard Access Video


For more information, visit the project website: